Anne Sweet
Jun 26, 2022
I stand with you
I stand with all the broken-hearted ones, the outraged ones, the frightened ones, and I implore you not to allow this to break you or...

Anne Sweet
Jun 22, 2022
.... there is only a Mystery
I would like to believe I have it all in hand, in charge of my destiny. But the reality is I have no idea from where I came or to which...
Jackson Peterson
Jun 19, 2022
The Common Denominator: Absolute Non-Duality, the Highest Teaching
From Jackson Peterson (I do not always agree with Jackson Peterson's viewpoint, but what I find truly valuable is his dedication and...

Anne Sweet
Jun 17, 2022
A Traveller’s Tale
Part 1: The Dramatic Self There has been some background depression or heaviness lately and I am beginning to understand what is behind...

Anne Sweet
Jun 14, 2022
What do you say?
What do you say when there are no words? What do you say when the Silence hangs heavy on you, nullifying thoughts? What do you say to...