Anne Sweet
Jan 7, 2023
Am I on the Path, for real?
About 3 yrs ago, I was led back to the path of seeking, assisted by a few high dose psilocybin experiences. I meditate 40 minutes a day....
Anne Sweet
May 29, 2022
Witness Consciousness
There is one question which is bugging me....not just academic but as part of on the ground practice. I quote you as saying: "By turning...
Anne Sweet
Nov 1, 2021
The Sacred
Are only some things sacred, or is everything sacred? D.F There is one infinite, unified field which contains all: the manifest, the...
Anne Sweet
Oct 24, 2021
Has your spiritual awakening changed your life in a real, tangible way?
Has it improved your quality of life? W.P Absolutely. I would say I was something of a lost soul beforehand: unhappy, unfulfilled,...
Anne Sweet
Sep 5, 2021
An integrated approach
I was wondering if you might have some guidance for a fairly strong curiosity I’ve recently developed about merging with the Absolute...
Anne Sweet
Aug 8, 2021
What is awakening?
What is awakening and does it solve the riddle of life and death? M.C From one perspective, awakening is very simple and down to earth:...
Anne Sweet
Aug 4, 2021
Life without a mask
"I don't know if it's possible to live without any masks, to be completely true. It seems to me that I'm wearing a mask, in some way...
Anne Sweet
May 3, 2021
The Shadow
"When heavy and dark feelings come up, how do you deal with them? I asked for everything unconscious to become conscious and a lot is...
Anne Sweet
Apr 16, 2021
Awareness and the Self
"If the Self is silent, and only watches, who speaks through this body/mind when the speech is clear, lucid, empowering and inspiring? It...
Anne Sweet
Apr 14, 2021
In response to 'Certainty and Not Knowing'
The following question was sent in in response to the blog entry "Certainty and Not Knowing"which I'm reposting here: Certainty and Not...
Anne Sweet
Apr 5, 2021
Direct Knowing
When I ask the question: 'What is aware of this question?' Thoughts stop, and there is Peace & Clarity. As I put the attention on the...

Anne Sweet
Mar 23, 2021
A matter of fact shift
“I think your site reflects perfectly our entry into "The next Maitreya will be community" and moves us past (the perhaps once necessary)...

Anne Sweet
Mar 21, 2021
The Fear of Death
"Do you have a fear a death, and if not why do you think your fear of death has passed? For me this feeling of finitude is unbearable if...
Anne Sweet
Mar 12, 2021
Sustained passion
"Sustained passion - I’m not sure I know what that looks like. Does the fact that I don’t know what that passion looks like mean there...
Anne Sweet
Mar 12, 2021
How to get over the line?
"Just before the end – how to get over the line? There is this in and out – aware of limitations, objects and the movements of the...