Anne Sweet
- May 6, 2021
Sacred ground
Whether you know it or not every footstep falls on sacred ground. Sacred ground is the only kind there is.
Anne Sweet
- May 3, 2021
The Shadow
"When heavy and dark feelings come up, how do you deal with them? I asked for everything unconscious to become conscious and a lot is...
Nick Jankel
- Apr 18, 2021
Why Gurus Break Bad (and a path to being an embodied wisdom teacher that doesn't)
What causes so many spiritual teachers to abuse their pupils—and can we transcend the problem with a Digital Age disruption of embodied...
Anne Sweet
- Apr 16, 2021
Awareness and the Self
"If the Self is silent, and only watches, who speaks through this body/mind when the speech is clear, lucid, empowering and inspiring? It...
Anne Sweet
- Apr 14, 2021
Certainty and Not Knowing
Self-knowledge gives a certain confidence. We know that we know. And in one sense this is true ... we do know. A similar confidence can...
Anne Sweet
- Apr 14, 2021
In response to 'Certainty and Not Knowing'
The following question was sent in in response to the blog entry "Certainty and Not Knowing"which I'm reposting here: Certainty and Not...